Friday, October 9, 2009

In 10 Years...

In Ten years I imagine myself living in an apartment rooming with friends, some people who are friends, the funny thing is I’ve actually had discussions with some good friends about possibly rooming in college or after college. My best friend Sean and I have both said we want to go to Michigan State University and that we could room together there and then after college probably room at an at least descent apartment and maybe even a house if we get 1 or 2 more people to room with. If we have girlfriends by then which we probably will because we’ll be 24 then they’ll probably live there too.
After college I will want to live in cities such as Livonia, Canton, Westland, Ann Arbor, etc. I will definitely get around by a car and I will want like an F-150 and I would also like a camaro or something but that will be hard to afford both of those and camaro’s do not drive well during winter.
I don’t exactly know yet where I want to work, but I’ve had some thoughts about it… Something like a police officer, or something in business like at a bank or in an office building. I just don’t want to have to break my back every day at work, like my dad who works at Ford and always tells me to get a job that I don’t have to do so and wear out my body to make money.
In my spare time, obviously there will be a lot more to do because I’m aloud to do anything and there’s no adult who can stop me, so I’ll probably party and go out every weekend, I’ll probably get a little lazy and not want to cook so I’ll probably order pizza a lot and go out to eat a lot and get fast food quite a bit. I’ll also still try to eat pretty healthy, like I’m still going to work out at a gym and run sometimes.
I definitely will want to travel when I’m older, like I definitely want to go to Europe one day to like Ireland or Scotland or Germany or Italy. I want to go to Hawaii one day and Mexico or like somewhere in latin America.

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