Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This I Believe...

1. I believe that you should be honest because you wouldn’t want someone lying to you about something so why would you not be honest with someone else. PLus if you're honest you will be more respected and when your not lying people with believe you but if you're a liar then no one will believe you when you're actually telling the truth.
2. I don’t believe in karma because I’ve done bad things and gotten away with it and never been caught. Also I know other people like this. As long as you’re not dumb, you’re not going to have to face consequences. Like I know a lot of good people that bad stuff happens too a lot and then I know a lot of bad people that nothing bad ever really happens to.
3. I believe you should never back down from a fight if someone is talking bad about you because it’s just the way I am I don’t like people talking about me know that don’t know jack about me. Like when I'm a parent I'm not going to tell my kids if someone says stuff about you just don't listen to them I will give them permissions to sock them in the face.
4. I believe you shouldn’t lie because I hate getting lied too getting lied to makes me more mad if they straight up told me the truth even if I don’t like the truth… it makes me wanna put a .40 to someones dome-piece when someone lies to me and I find out. All though I lie to people all the time I don't ever lie to like my bestfriends though.
5. I believe you should do what you want because life is too short to do what society or your pairs or your family wants you to do. If you do what you want you will be a lot happier, even if you get in trouble than if you did what other people tell you to do it and you listen to them.
6. I think parents should not be aloud to tell you how or when to spend your money because it is your money that you earned to spend not for it to just lay there. I spend my money when I make it and my parents get mad on the stuff I spend it on and I don't see why they care because its my money.
7. I believe you should always stick up for your family because it’s how I was raised and it’s how I will always be even though I can’t stand half of my family I will still do anything for them.
8. I believe you shouldn’t lie at all… but if you do lie be a good liar because you just look like a complete helmet head when you get caught in the act. My sister lies all the time and looks like a complete idiot because its easy to tell when she lies and she gets in more trouble but whenever I lie I get away with it.
9. I don’t believe in racism because we are all one race, Whites, Blacks, Asians, Middle Easterners, Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics are all the same race. We just look different because the pigments in our skin and how far we live from the equator, that’s all.
10. I believe you have to learn things the hard way yourself sometimes, because if you learn something on your own its better then someone telling you from their experience. Like if someone tells you not to do something because they got in trouble doing it you’ll probably say oh whatever, but if you do something and get in trouble for it you will probably not do it ever again.

The heartogram represents the blending of opposites such as love/hate and life/death. Kind of like a Yin-Yang.

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