Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Day of School

The first day of school was not that fun but it really wasn't that bad. Everyone said high school was going to be the best thing ever when truthfully it's not all that great. The sports part is pretty sweet though, I have been waiting since i was like 6 to play high school football because I always went to high school games and saw high school football movies. All it is, is a bunch of random people except for kids in your grade and the grade above, other than that I know my sisters friends and her recent friends really.

It's sort of better than middle school because middle school was sort of boring, especially when were in a higher grade it'll be better because we will be pushing kids around. The first day of school was like really fast for some reason even though it was kind of boring and everyday since then has been fast and I hope it stays that way, because I can't wait for 11th grade for varsity football, it's going to be tank!

The thing that kind of scared me the first day coming into high school was that the next step after this is going to be college which I'll be an adult pretty much on my own, and I also noticed that I can't mess around any more because this is serious from here on out, this is having a good job or possibly not having one at all.